Passionate and result-driven Data Scientist
MPS in Data Science from UMBC, M.Sc. in Physics from Pondicherry University
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Member
Data Writer @Medium

My Journey

Social & Management

  • Programming & Scripting Languages
    Python, R, SQL, HTML, CSS, LaTeX, C++
  • Databases
    MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server Management System
  • Big Data handling
    Apache Spark, HDFS, Databricks, AWS
  • Softwares
    MS Power BI, MS Excel, VS Code, Git & GitHub, OpenStreetMap, LTSpice, NOAA Ferret
  • Operating Systems
    Windows OS, macOS, Linux
  • Expertise
    Data Analysis - ETL, EDA, Machine Learning, LLM, AI, Data Visualization, Database Management, Financial Analysis, Business Intelligence, Deep Learning, Research, Data Reporting, Technical Writing, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Electronics
  • People
    Highly Collaborative, Open to Criticism, Provide Constructive Feedback, Excellent Communicator, Take Initiative
  • Time
    Punctual, Deliver Projects on Time(no excuses), Utilize Time Effectively
  • Management
    Keep track of Work, Use tools like MS To-do list, Google and Apple Calenders, Maintain an organized workspace virtually and physically - My PC is a DBMS!
  • Data Writer
    Medium (Several Publishers), April 2024 - Current
    My Stories
  • Graduate Assistant
    University of Maryland Baltimore County, Jan 2024 - May 2024
    Course: Platforms for Big Data Processing
  • RTTP Math Coach
    UMBC Sherman Scholars' Program, Oct 2023 - May 2024
  • Orientation Advisor/Graduate Coordinator
    University of Maryland Baltimore County, Winter 2024/Summer 2023
  • Social Media Analyst
    Redwood Algorithms, India, Sept 2022 - Dec 2022
  • University of Maryland Baltimore County
    MPS in Data Science
  • Pondicherry University
    Integrated M.Sc. in Physics
    CGPA: 3.61
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My Projects

Stock Portfolio Optimization and Dashboard Using Microsoft Excel

Investing in Stock Market can be a risky business if you do not research well and diversify the risk in the portfolio. Every investor aims to bring down the chances of risk and increase the return as many folds as possible. ...
Data Analysis, Solver, Advanced MS Excel, ODBC, Data management

Foreign Exchange Rates Time Series Analysis and Forecasting

Confused about which currency to invest in the coming year? Planning for a foreign trip sometime soon? The foreign exchange rates between two countries has a pivotal role in deciding your profit from investment and the best value for your money during an international trip....
SARIMAX, SARIMA, ARIMA, MS Power BI, Seasonal Decomposition

Customer Lifetime Value Prediction For Auto-Insurance Companies

Customer lifetime value (CLV) is a business metric used to determine the amount of money customers will spend on your products or services over time. Each customer insured using the company’s plan is a risk. We modeled a Random Forest Regressor with 91% accuracy ...
ML models, Sci-Kit Learn, Seaborn, Keras, Langchain, LLM, Power BI

Image Classification for Breast Cancer Detection

This Deep Learning project gives the probability of a sample image being cancerous or benign. Cancer detection by analyzing the scan images of organs is still considered a manual skill. The inaccuracies that could result in wrong diagnosis ...
PyTorch, Sci-Kit Learn, OpenCV, Image Classification

Nutrition Dashboard for US-based Food Products

Presenting the ultimate dashboard that could save you hours of diet planning! Select the food item(s) of your choice and this dashboard will sum up all the nutrients for you, not just calories! Get to know what your body ingests when you have your favorite meal! This interactive Tableau dashboard gives you the sum of all macro and micronutrients in your food. Eat healthy, stay healthy!
Tableau, Data Cleaning, MySQL, Python libraries

Steam Review Analysis using Apache Spark and Hadoop

Dedicated to all the Gamers out there! Not sure which game to go for next? Why not take a look at the most popular and highly recommended games on the Steam platform. And if you are a newbie to gaming, don't worry the ALS algorithm's got your back!
This analysis project dealt with a data of over 7GB which was accessed using HDFS and analyzed using Spark SQL in the Jupyter Notebook. We derived numerous interesting trends in gaming in the year of 2021 and no surprise, PUBG won the competition!
PySpark (SQL and ML library), HDFS, Python libraries

Mall Customer Segmentation using K-Means Clustering

Ever wondered how to segment your customers who visit and shop at the shopping mall. This customer segmentation model is for you! Many of your assumptions will be right, yes, high-earning, youngsters are top spenders as you expected! The Analysis also shows that the highest number of customers are those in their 30s who visit the mall.
Python libraries, EDA, Univariate and Bivariate Analysis, K-Means

Analyzing & Visualizing the Motor Accidents in Maryland Counties

Maryland faces a huge loss of life and property due to motor accidents annually. As a driver in the state, I was conscious about this issue. The data scientist mindset insisted in developing an analysis of the accident trends which could be used for safety measures one day. Using the ggplot and plot packages in RStudio, the project successfully ...
RStudio (R), GitHub, Quarto, RevealJS

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About Me

Insightful Data Science graduate with immense technical and human potential to bring the best in every situation. The prowess of mathematics and the curiosity of a Physicist combined with the enthusiasm to work and maintain an organized and balanced life keeps me on top of the game. Before focusing on a Data Science career, I graduated from Pondicherry University, India with a Master's in Physics. Yes, then why DS? Honestly, this is the question I have faced the most and the hardest to answer! To begin with I realized the power of Data during my Undergraduate internship at Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT). I got the opportunity to work ...

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